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Uphill Travel


Uphill Travel is Allowed on Green Days From 4:00 am - 8:30 am  Month of March Green.

The Uphill Travel status is posted on Cherry Peak  Mountain Conditions at 6:30 am daily to alert guests if the conditions are green or red.  The daily status may also be found by calling the Snow Phone at 435-200-1234. Uphill travel goes red at 8:30 am. We are no longer offering night up hilling EXCEPT during the Full Moon each month. Uphill travel is only open to skiers, snowboarders, and snow shoes. We do not allow fat biking on our uphill route.

On Green Days, uphill travel is permitted if you abide by the following rules:

  • When traveling uphill, stay in the middle of the trail.

  • If you come to a sign that reads “Grooming in Progress”, this ends your ascent. Do not travel around snow cats.

  • All uphill travelers must be equipped with lights and ON front and back.

  • No dogs are allowed on the mountain.

  • Only stop where you can be seen from above and below.

  • Your uphill route is your downhill route.

  • All uphill travel must cease by 8:30 am.

  • For everyone’s safety, stay on the approved route.  If found off the approved route, there will be consequences.

        The ONLY approved routes are Long Mosey.



Please be courteous of snow removal efforts in the parking lots in the morning on snow days. Do not park in areas that have not been plowed or where snow plows are working!

Please do not ski/ride on freshly groomed runs! Our groomer operators try very hard to leave a great surface for our guests. If you make turns in fresh soft corduroy it will freeze and leave a hazard for our guests during the day.


Allowed Devices

The following skiing, riding, and sliding devices are allowed on the lifts and the mountain. Please note that not all devices are allowed on all lifts and that homemade equipment is not permitted.
Skis: Allowed with a working brake binding system or a retention device (must be worn while riding the slopes.)

Snowboards: Allowed with a retention device (snowboard bindings considered a device; leash preferred.)

Telemark Skis: Allowed with a retention device (must be worn while riding the slopes) or a working brake system.

Monoskis/Sit-Ski: Allowed with a working brake system or retention device (must be worn while riding the slopes)
Snowblades: Allowed with a retention device (must be worn while riding the slopes.)

Ski Bikes/Snowbikes: Allowed under following the parameters:

  • The bike must have no more than two (2) skis, these skis must be under 150mm at their widest points.

  • Must have metal edges on skis.

  • Must have seat.

  • Only one (1) rider per bike.

  • Must be designed to load lift without slowing or stopping.

  • Must be loaded within envelope/capacity of chair; bike counts as a rider on chairlift.

  • No homemade bikes.

  • Must wear a leash at all times (on lifts and on slope.)

  • May be restricted in certain areas and on other lifts for safety reasons.

  • Snowdecks: Allowed, but must have metal edges and a leash (must be worn while riding the slopes and chairlifts.)

  • Snow Trikes: Are allowed under the supervision of an Adaptive Sports instructor and under following the parameters. 

  • Must have metal edges on skis.

  • Only one (1) rider per trike.

  • Must be designed to load lift without slowing or stopping.

  • Must be loaded within envelope/capacity of chair; bike counts as a rider on chairlift.

  • No homemade trikes.

  • Must wear a leash at all times (on lifts and on slope.)

  • May be restricted in certain areas and on other lifts for safety reasons.


Backpack Policy

For everyone’s safety, transporting a child in a backpack or a front pack is not allowed.


Drone/Unmanned Aerial System Policy

Due to safety and privacy concerns, we prohibit the operation or use on or above Resort property of unmanned aerial systems, or drones, by the general public — including model aircraft by recreational users and hobbyists. Commercial photography crews may receive approval on an individual basis with prior written authorization from Cherry Peak Resort. This prohibition includes drones used for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above or within the area boundaries. This prohibition extends to any devices launched or operated from Resort property, as well as any launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries. Please contact a Cherry Peak Resort representative if you have any questions or if you seek prior authorization to operate any such devices within the resort’s boundary area.

Any authorized operation of drones on or above Resort property will be governed by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules and regulations, local law enforcement, and/or U.S. Forest Service rules, as well as those policies separately established by this Resort, which may include certification requirements, evidence of training completion, insurance coverage documentation, indemnification requirements, and waivers or releases of liability.

Any violation of this policy may result in any/all of the following: suspension of your access privileges to the Resort; the revocation of your season pass; confiscation of any prohibited equipment. Violators may also be subject to primary liability for damages; including, but not limited to, damages for trespass, violations of privacy, and physical injuries to persons and/or property, as well as legal defense costs.




Complementing the Responsibility Code and it’s 7 tenets, #RideAnotherDay promotes 3 actions every skier and rider can take to help keep themselves and those around safer on the slopes. These three actions are:


Be ready to slow down or avoid objects or other people at any time. Ski and ride in such a way that you are always able to control yourself regardless of conditions and avoid others and objects you may encounter on the run, groomed or otherwise.



Stay alert to what’s going on around you, especially other skiers and riders. Being aware of those around and changing conditions will help you have a fun and safe day on the hill.



Ease up at blind spots, check uphill when merging onto trails, and give other skiers plenty of room when passing. Look out for spots on the run where traffic merges or you can’t see what’s coming next. If you are unfamiliar with a run, take it easy the first time down it and make note of places where you’ll want to slow down, such as cat tracks and rollers. Also, give other skiers and riders lots or room, especially if you are passing them. There’s plenty of space out there, so there’s no need to crowd each other.

By doing these three things every run, you’ll be helping keep the slopes safe and enjoyable, for you and everyone else.





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